Monk's Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Monk collects, uses, and shares personal information when you use Monk. This app is a portfolio project created by Daniel Mamuza

1. Information We Collect

  • Account Information: When you create an account using Clerk, Clerk collects your email address and any other information you provide during registration.
  • Payment Information: If you choose to subscribe to Monk's paid (free) plans, Stripe collects payment information through Stripe. This includes your payment method details
  • Content: We collect the content you create, such as kanban boards and notes.

2. How We Use Information

Information is not used for any service, this portfolio project is merely practice and preparation to develop SASS apps.

3. Sharing of Information

No information is shared other than to Clerk and Stripe in which is declared during account registration and payment registration.

4. Data Security

Data is held on a PostgreSQL database via Supabase.

5. Your Choices

  • Account Information: When you create an account using Clerk, Clerk collects your email address and any other information you provide during registration.
  • Payment Information: If you choose to subscribe to Monk's paid (free) plans, Stripe collects payment information through Stripe. This includes your payment method details

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me here